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What Fresh Produce Can You Pack With Vacuum Seal Bags

What Fresh Produce Can You Pack With Vacuum Seal Bags

Tommy Lai |

Home cooks and business owners need to keep perishable goods fresh. Aside from the obvious financial benefit, it guarantees everyone will consume meals safely.

Vacuum seal bags are commonly used in food storage to keep perishable goods longer. Crafted from a long-lasting, multi-layer plastic material resistant to punctures and moisture, it guarantees that your produce will remain fresh for an extended period.

Importance of Preserving Fresh Produce

  • Nutritional Value. Ensuring that consumers obtain the most nutritional value is possible through proper preservation processes.
  • Minimizing Food Waste. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that almost one-third of the world's food supply goes to waste every year. You can keep fresh produce longer without throwing it out if you know how to preserve it properly.
  • Financial Effects. Businesses, communities, and individuals all suffer financially from food waste. Storing fresh produce saves consumers money by reducing waste and maximizing food consumption.
  • Impact on the Environment. Food production, transportation, and disposal cause greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and land degradation. An individual's environmental impact can be minimized by utilizing efficient preservation methods to decrease food waste.
  • Food Security. In locations where fresh food is scarce or seasonal, preserving it allows people and communities to stockpile food for longer.
  • Flavour and Quality. Fresh produce's texture, flavour, and quality can be maintained correctly for a long time. This guarantees that people may enjoy fresh, healthy produce year-round.

Vacuum Seal Bags For Fresh Produce



Extended Shelf Life

Vacuum sealing prevents food spoilage by reducing the amount of oxygen that can reach perishable goods. This can greatly increase the time when fresh products are kept compared to more conventional storage methods.

Nutrient Preservation

Because air, light, and moisture contribute to the degradation of vitamins and minerals over time, vacuum sealing is useful for preserving fresh produce's nutrition.

Minimized Wastage of Food

Vacuum sealing lets you store products longer without spoiling, reducing food waste. Things like berries and leafy greens, which spoil easily, benefit greatly from this.

Longevity of Taste and Freshness

You create an airtight container that keeps them fresh for longer and keeps their texture, flavour, and aroma intact.

The ease of use

Meal planning is easier with vacuum-sealed food that can be prepped and frozen. You can also use it to store fruits and vegetables sliced or marinated ahead of time, making them easier to use when needed.

Protection Against Freezer Burn

Prevents freezer burn, which occurs when moisture evaporates and creates ice crystals. 

Efficient Use of Space

You can better use your fridge or freezer space by storing vacuum-sealed items instead of large containers or bags.

Vacuum Sealing Vegetables

Vegetables can be vacuum-sealed for longer storage since removing air from the package reduces oxidation and spoilage. This is a fantastic method if you want your fresh veggies to last longer in the fridge or freezer. Blanch them before vacuum sealing to maintain their colour, flavour, and nutrition.

Vegetables You Should Not Vacuum Seal

  • Mushrooms: During storage, mushrooms can produce gases that could cause the vacuum-sealed bag to inflate and damage the seal.
  • Garlic and onions: The gas and odour these veggies release might alter the taste of whatever else is in the vacuum-sealed bag.

Blanching Vegetables

Sulphur compounds released by cruciferous vegetables after vacuum sealing can alter the aroma and flavour of other meals. Blanching these vegetables will avoid this outcome.

  • Broccoli: Blanch for three minutes. If it’s steamed, blanch them for five minutes.
  • Brussel Sprouts: The blanching time for brussel sprouts depends on their size. Usually, you can blanch them between three to five minutes.
  • Cabbage: Blanch shredded cabbage for one minute and 30 seconds.
  • Cauliflower: Blanch for three minutes.

Vacuum Sealing Fruits

  • Make sure you select fruits that are ripe, fresh, and in good shape. Do not vacuum seal fruits that are too ripe or have bruises.
  • Rinse the fruits well under running water to remove any residue or dirt. 
  • Use a fresh towel or paper towel to dry them entirely.
  • If necessary, remove fruit stems, seeds, and pits. Fruits such as apples, pears, or melons can be sliced into smaller pieces if preferred.
  • To avoid squashing and to guarantee equal sealing, lay them out in a single layer.
  • Store vacuum-sealed fruits in the fridge or freezer, depending on need. Fruits that are vacuum-sealed have a longer shelf life in the freezer than in the fridge.
  • It's smart to put the date of sealing and the kind of fruit on the labels. This makes it easier to monitor their freshness and use them before expiration.

Extra Care For Specific Fruits

  • Pineapple and citrus fruits: Be careful not to seal any fruits with sharp edges against the plastic bag. Punctures caused by these sharp edges can create air leaks in the bag.
  • Papayas, berries, and grapes: Be careful not to squash soft ones when vacuum-sealing these fruits. To avoid applying too much pressure, use the vacuum sealer's mild or pulse settings, if available.
  • Avocado: Vacuum-sealing avocados can cause them to oxidize rapidly, which can alter their texture and flavour.

Vacuum Sealing Meats

Sealing meat with a vacuum sealer keeps it fresh for longer by removing air from the package, which minimizes the risk of freezer burn. In addition, it is much easier to prepare meals when portions are already prepared and stored. Ensure the meat is thoroughly washed, cut, and wrapped tightly. Carefully handle and store meat according to food safety guidelines.

Meat Sealing Process

  • Always use fresh, well-trimmed meat. If there is too much moisture or fat, it can hinder the sealing process and reduce the seal quality.
  • Before sealing big pieces of meat, divide them into portions you can easily consume in one go. This simplifies handling and lessens the frequency of package resealing.
  • Let it chill in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. This improves sealing and moisture reduction.
  • Label the package with the meat type and date. 

Other Fresh Produce You Can Vacuum Seal


A fantastic method for preserving the freshness and flavour of fish is to vacuum seal it. You can marinate fish in the vacuum sealer bags before cooking to add flavour.

Legumes and grains

Preventing spoilage and pest infestation is as easy as vacuum-sealing your grains and beans. For bulk purchases, this saves time by eliminating restocking.

Dairy products

You can keep your cheese from mouldy and dry by vacuum sealing it. While hard cheeses such as cheddar and Parmesan can be kept for quite a while, smaller cheese slices can be vacuum-sealed for on-the-go eating.


You may extend the freshness of your favourite loaf of bread by vacuum sealing it. This is great for handmade bread, which dries up rapidly.

Culinary seasonings

Herbs and spices can be vacuum sealed to extend their shelf life and maintain scent and flavour. This is perfect for rarely used spices and saves money by reducing restocking.

Tea and coffee

Coffee and tea retain more of their aroma and flavour when vacuum sealed. 

Shelf Life Of Common Vacuum Sealed Food


Normal Shelf Life 

(in freezer/refrigerator)

Vacuum Sealed Shelf Life

Where To Store


6 months

2-3 years



3-6 months

2 years


Lobster, shrimp

6-12 months

1-2 years


Hard cheeses

1 month

4-8 months


Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus

8 months 

2-3 years


Mangoes, peaches

6-12 months

1-3 years



1-2 weeks

6-12 months


Bagels and breads

2-3 months 

1-3 years



6 months

1-2 years


Vacuum Sealing: Things To Remember

  • Food preservation is not replaced by vacuum sealing. Refrigerated goods must be refrigerated or frozen.  
  • Other harmful bacteria can survive without access to food to ruin it. Clostridium botulinum, a hazardous pathogen, can thrive without oxygen. 
  • This procedure at home requires a clean, sanitary environment to keep food safe.
  • It does not stop food from spoiling.
  • ROP fish pose a threat. Remove the fish from the package before thawing.
  • It is common for liquid and baked goods to seal poorly.


Seal Your Good With Patek

Convenience, food security, and cost savings are just a few benefits of sealing fresh produce. You may rest easy knowing that this method will store your goods securely, improving your overall kitchen experience.

Vacuum seal rolls and pre-cut vacuum-sealed bags of superior quality are available at Patek Packaging. Among other long-lasting and dependable solutions for food storage, our store has a wide variety of kitchen essentials. Try vacuum-sealed bags for yourself and see the difference they make.


Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions should I take when vacuum-sealing fresh produce?

Food must be entirely dry to prevent mould and bacteria growth. Overfilling seal bags can diminish seal quality and increase spoiling risk.

Can vacuum seal bags be reused?

To avoid cross-contamination and assure food safety, seal bags should be cleaned and sanitized before reuse. See the manufacturer's directions for cleaning and reusing sealed bags.

Do I vacuum-seal fruits and veggies together?

Yes, you can vacuum seal diverse produce in one bag. Consider their moisture levels and storage needs to keep them fresh and not affect any other during storage.