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Garbage Bags

Patek Packaging's premium garbage bag collection is durable, eco-friendly, and easy to use. Our garbage bags are specially made to handle all types of waste in homes and businesses, which changes how you dispose of trash. They’re crafted from strong and tear-resistant material. Available in various sizes and strengths, our bags suit every need, from kitchen leftovers to heavy waste. 

Beginning of Garbage Bags

Before waste bags were invented, people disposed of waste by burying or burning it or using baskets and metal cans. The history of garbage bags is closely linked to plastic development. Initially, these bags were first used at Winnipeg Hospital. 

The concept was then acquired by the Union Carbide Company, where Larry Hansen from Lindsay, Ontario, had worked. In the 1960s, this company started producing what would become known as Glad Bags, eco-friendly home trash bags. After their introduction, households and businesses began using them quickly, soon becoming important.

Some Good Finds in Canada - Trash Bags  





Regular Black Garbage Bag


200 Pcs


Strong Black Garbage Bag


150 Pcs


X-Strong Black Garbage Bag 


125 Pcs


X-Strong Black Garbage Bag


100 Pcs


EcoSafe | Compostable Green Bags


90 Pcs


How To Use Trash Bags in Everyday Life

  • Protective Covering for Plants. During a frost, cover your outdoor plants with a large trash bag to protect them from the cold.
  • Temporary Storage Solution. Use the bag to store seasonal clothing, bedding, or stuffed toys. It keeps them dust-free and saves space.
  • DIY Packing Material. Fill trash bags with air and tie them off as cushioning when packing fragile items for moving or storage.
  • Garden Waste Disposal. Collect leaves, grass clippings, and small branches in a sturdy trash bag for easy yard cleanup.
  • Protect Floors During Painting. Spread bags to cover the floor when painting or doing messy crafts to protect your surfaces.

Tips to Choose the Right Trash Bag

Consider the Size and Capacity

Before you buy the bags, check your garbage can to be sure they will fit without slipping or being too tight.

Material and Strength

You should use thicker bags for heavier weights because they are stronger. A light-duty bag will do for typical home garbage, but for sharp objects or construction debris, a heavy-duty bag is what you need. 

If you're mindful of the environment, you can pick from various materials, including plastic (HDPE or LDPE), biodegradable materials, or compostable alternatives. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is less dense and strong, while high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is stronger.

Closure and Sealing

Some models include drawstrings, while others feature twist ties to simplify closing and tying the bag. To reduce the presence of unpleasant odours, some bags include odour-blocking materials or fragrances.

Cost and Quantity

Buying in bulk reduces the per-bag cost. Consider how frequently you empty your trash and buy accordingly.

Specific Use Cases

  • Kitchen vs. Outdoor. Bags for kitchen use must withstand wet or food waste, while outdoor bags must be more durable.
  • Heavy Loads or Sharp Items. Opt for tear-resistant, heavy-duty bags for heavy-duty use or disposal of sharp objects.

Make Waste Disposal A Breeze

Choose Patek Packaging for top-quality, innovatively designed trash bags that are easy to use. Our durable design means less need for replacements or double-bagging. No more dealing with bags that tear easily. Go for our strong, eco-friendly trash bags for a reliable and environmentally responsible way to handle your waste.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to close these trash bags securely?

To securely close a trash bag: 

  1. Gather and twist the top
  2. Tie the built-in ties or drawstrings into a knot; if there are none, tie a knot in the twisted part. 
  3. Avoid overfilling the bag to ensure it can be closed tightly.

How can I minimize odours when using these bags for food waste?

Wrap food scraps before disposal, sprinkle baking soda inside the bag, regularly empty the bag, keep it tightly sealed, and regularly clean the trash bin. Using odour-neutralizing bags can also help.

What types of waste are not suitable for these waste bags?

Unsuitable waste for standard waste bags includes hazardous materials, sharp objects, hot ashes or coals, medical waste, and heavy construction debris.